Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Outside Reading: Quarter 4

I chose the book Buddha by Deepak Chopra because I have decided to become Buddhist. This religion seems to fit me well and I think that by choosing this book for outside reading, it will allow me more insight to buddhism. The author of my book is buddhist and I believe that by seeing connections between my beliefs and his beliefs (through this book) will instill a greater knowledge of my newfound religion. Also when I flipped through the pages I noticed that this book is also at my reading level. It has a few new vocabulary words, but the text and sentence structure doesn't seem overwhelming.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Post B

"but what I did know was that I lived in a world that at any moment could erupt into fire. It was the sort of knowledge that kept you on your toes."(34) Jeanette seems to finally be realizing how stressful this fast moving lifestyle can be. I liked how she compared it to fire. Her first memory. And actually as I read this she is just about right. Her life moves at a pace that travels as fast as fire spreads. I think that if she had a choice that she would choose to stay rooted in one spot. Moving all the time has its disadvantages. You can't make close friends with anyone because the next day you could be moving and she wouldn't have a chance to say goodbye to her friends. I think her parents are affecting her way f how to deal with relationships. Jeanette is afraid to get close to anyone who isn't her family because she is afraid of losing them. She is going by the philosophy of never having to love means never having to lose. Jeanette may struggle with trust and getting clos to someone in the future. But I can understand her reasoning behind it. Her parents are teaching her how to handle relationships and that being sentimental does nothing for anybody. Crying over something is pointless because crying won't bring it back. I don't think they realize that crying is a way of letting built up emotions out.Instead Jeanette will have to find another way to let her built up tension out.

Post A

gestapo(34)-the German state secret police during the Nazi regime

flophouse(33)-a cheap, run-down hotel or rooming house

"A wind had come up and it was rolling dust along the road."(30)- Personification: gives wind the ability to roll dust.

"It was dripping like a broken faucet."(31)- Simile: Compares a bleeding nose to a broken faucet using the word like.

"When I tried to imitate thier walk, Brian said I looked like an ostrich."(32)- This is a simile because it compares jeanette's walk to that of an ostrich using thw word like.

"I pulled away from him.......'Damn Honey. You busted your snot locker pretty good.' I started laughing."(31) This quote shows how strong of a relationship Jeanette shares with her father.

Theme: The bond between Jeanette and her father is unbreakable.

Post B

"all of Dad's egineering skills andmathematical genius were coming together in one special project: a great big house he was going to build for us in the desert. The Glass Castle...."(25) This is a significant line because the title of my book is The Glass Castle. Jeanette talks about how she loved living out in the desert. I think that the dream of being able to live ut in the desert but also have a luxurious lifestyle appealed to her greatly. She also talked about how she thought her dad was perfect. It seems to me that she has a stronger bond with her father than she does with her mother. I think that she viewed her dad as a role model and he talked about building this house for his family to live in. I think that this dream of his only made Jeanette admire him even more because in a way he liked living in the desert and he too wanted to live a comfortable lifestyle. He and Jeanette had many similarities and the dream of a glass castle only drew them closer together. I think Jeanette Walls titled her book the Glass Castle because she loves her father very much and shared a very strong bond with him. So she titled her book after her greatest dream during her childhood. Which is to see her father succeed and thier family be able to live comfortably in the desert.

Post A

sluice(24)-an artificial channel for conducting water

addled(27)-mentally confused; muddled

" we were sort of like cactus. We'd eat irregularily and when we did, we'd gorge ourselves."(22)- This is a simile because it compares people to cactus using the word like.

"she was mute and bald as an egg."(27)- This is a simile because it is comparing a new born to an egg.

"'and then he screamed like a wounded animal."'(28)- this is a simile because it compares the crys of a human to that of a different species.

"Everybody said Dad was a genius. He could build or fix anything."(22) This quoute is significant because it contribues to a new emerging theme of children looking up to thier parents.

Theme: children view thier parents as role models.